Kent County Recorder of Deeds
Eugenia won her election and was sworn in on Jan 3, 2023.  

Thank you for your support!

She does not have a re-election committee.  
Thornton will keep titles safe
OP ED page DSN Sept 16, 2018

Thornton will help keep titles safe

This in response to the article “Kent County Recorder of Deeds, candidates spar over theft prevention”, in the Aug. 25 edition of the Delaware State News.

I am a retired real estate paralegal with 30-plus years’ experience doing settlements and clearing titles. Although title searches are performed, fraudulent documents can be recorded against the property after settlement has occurred. Here are the details of a case about to go to court in New Castle County.

A vacant property near Middletown was on the market for a long time, the owners having already relocated to Arizona. After a contract had been offered, the real estate agent discovered squatters living in the house. Police were called. The squatters claimed they had a deed to the property in their names. Because of this statement, the police said it was a civil matter and could not remove them.

Before writing this letter, I went to the NCC Recorder of Deeds and viewed both the valid deed and the squatters’ fraudulent deed. The legal owners have to file suit and incur legal fees in order to regain their property back. This could prove expensive and a long process. The property cannot be sold until this is resolved.

If this can happen in New Castle County, then it can certainly happen in Kent County. Every homeowner, realtor, lawyer and Recorder of Deeds should be concerned.

I am glad to know Eugenia Thornton, candidate for Kent County Recorder of Deeds, wants to do something to help people keep their titles safe.

Joyce Yaiser

Sept 16, 2018

Experience before Politics
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