Kent County Recorder of Deeds
Eugenia won her election and was sworn in on Jan 3, 2023.  

Thank you for your support!

She does not have a re-election committee.  
Kent County Personnel Policies 
Several policies are provided herein.  The one that pertains the most is Chapter 68-19, para E and F which prohibit dropping political fundraising items off at the Deeds office as well as distributing campaign materials during the work day on county property.  Ms. McKenna's salary is in excess of $30K per year, if elected based on conducting political campaign activities on county property during county hours of operation, she stands to gain a minimum of $120, 000 per each election.  This is wrong!
Code of Ethics
The use of Kent County official policies on this website are for informational purposes only and do not suggest endorsement of my campaign by Kent County government or by any employees of the County.  
Experience before Politics